Get to know artist Cara Robbins Karan, instructor for Art+Wine at the AMA

Cara Robbins Karan has a passion for impressionism, painting, and nature. She will be leading not one but two classes on March 11 as a kick-off for the new monthly […]
Popular DIY art parties return to the Arlington Museum of Art as a monthly event series, Art+Wine at the AMA

Starting on March 11, 2023, the AMA will host its popular DIY art parties as a regularly scheduled event series. “We’re so excited to partner with local artists to host […]
Popular DIY art parties return to the Arlington Museum of Art as a monthly event series, Art+Wine at the AMA
Arlington, TX (FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) – By popular demand and starting on March 11, 2023, the Arlington Museum of Art will host its popular DIY art parties as a regularly […]
Creating art together: Lea Ann+Kelly and Art+Wine at the AMA

Kelly and Lea Ann Allen have been turning Art+Wine at the AMA into a fun date night tradition with their own creative twists. Over the past few years, the couple […]