Downtown Arlington partners with AMA to host a free “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” movie night at Arlington Music Hall

Join King Arthur and his knights on January 25 as they embark on a quest to the Arlington Music Hall in Downtown Arlington for a free screening of the classic […]
Presented by Coble Cravens, Downtown Arlington partners with Arlington Museum of Art to host “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” movie night
Arlington, TX (January 5, 2023) — Join King Arthur and his knights on January 25 as they embark on a quest to the Arlington Music Hall in Downtown Arlington for […]
DOWNTOWN KNIGHTS: Monty Python Trivia Night at Hooligan’s Pub

Hooligan’s Pub is hosting another themed trivia night in partnership with Downtown Arlington and the Arlington Museum of Art: Monty Python Trivia Night! We think this Downtown Knights event is a […]