Gary SchwartzGary Schwartz began at the museum as a volunteer then became office manager. He’s responsible for keeping the Board apprised of the museum’s financial status and making sure bills are paid on time. He’s also great at IT problem-solving.

Working at the museum has allowed Gary to, in his words, “experience art and exhibits that I would not have otherwise had the opportunity to see.”

To him, the museum is a close-knit family, making working at the museum a labor of love.

AMA:  What do you love most about the work that you do at the AMA?

Gary:  First and foremost, the people.  Secondly, the amazing and unique exhibits and third the flexible hours.

AMA:  Name a leader in our community who inspires you, and why.

Gary:  Without a doubt, Mayor Jim Ross for his commitment to the city and unwavering support of the museum.

AMA:  When you travel, what kinds of experiences or destinations do you seek out?

Gary:  My favorite type of travel is a vacation on a cruise ship.  I seek out cruises to destinations that are sunny and warm.

AMA:  Outside of your work, what is one of your personal interests?


Gary:  My personal passion is to keep abreast of new technologies, and assisting those individuals that are analog people in a digital world.

AMA:  When you’re out for drinks in Arlington, what is your favorite cocktail or hot beverage and where is your favorite spot to order it?

Gary:  I generally am an “in home” consumer of adult beverages.  My choice for a wine is an Australian Shiraz and for the hard stuff Scotch Whiskey with a splash of soda.

AMA:  When you think about a bright future for the museum, what one thing do you think will contribute most to its long-term success?

Gary:  Moving to our new facility will be the contributing to a bright future for the museum due to our increased visibility and the ability to host larger exhibits.

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